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Dr. Bill

Help for your anxious thoughts

Updated: Mar 13, 2019

What is anxiety?

What if kids at school don’t like me? What if they make fun of me? What if I get fired from my job? What if my spouse leaves me? These and other such similar questions can indicate a possible challenge with anxiety. Is it just plain old anxiety that is common to most everyone, or is it a sign of something that goes beyond typical? There are multiple forms of anxiety and they can impact people in varying intensities and for differing durations.

How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a condition where a person worries about a multitude of different things. This is more like the perpetual worrier. We have all likely known someone like this. It is the person that worries about seemingly everything from finances to health issues, relationships to the right career, threat of severe weather to the possibility of a horrible accident while travelling. For this person, the sensation of worry is intense and creates very real bodily sensations that can interfere with daily functioning.

Social Anxiety Disorder is a more specific type of anxiety. Those with a social anxiety disorder are hyper-focused on what others will think of them. “Will they like me? Will I make a fool of myself? What if I say something stupid?” On some level, we all have thoughts like these; however, when such thoughts get in the way of you making and/or maintaining friendships, engaging in enjoyable activities, following a career dream, or other such passions, it can often be classified as a disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is also a form of anxiety that can really get in the way of daily living. OCD has basically two parts: the obsession (the thought that one can’t seem to get out of their mind); and the compulsion (or, the behavior part that actually makes the obsession go away; unfortunately only for a very short time). For example, a person may be fearful of safety issues well beyond what is considered “typical” and have recurring thoughts of “Did I lock the doors?” The thought goes over and over in one’s mind until at some point, that person goes to check the door; even though they checked it 20 minutes ago. Once they check the door, the thought goes away, they feel greatly relieved inside, until a very short period passes, and the process begins all over again.

Other forms of anxiety disorders exist but those listed above are the most common.

Help for anxiety disorders

Help is available here in the greater Fort Smith region for mild to severe anxiety disorders. We have answers to dealing with, and often times completely overcoming, such anxiety disorders. First and foremost, a comprehensive, accurate anxiety assessment must be completed. The importance, and value of a comprehensive assessment (prior to actually beginning therapy) by a skilled psychologist such as Dr. Thornton, cannot be overemphasized. The staff at Answers for Youth & Families is committed to utilizing only the most effective therapies to help you or your loved ones overcome anxiety and get back to a life that is no longer hindered by the fears of “What if.” For more information, visit

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